hi there!

Heather | Pregnancy | Wednesday, 16 July 2008

i am now officially about 4 days from being in the home stretch – the 3rd trimester. lucky me i am at my MOST pregnant when japan is at it’s hottest/stickiest!

dr’s monday for a checkup where all was said to be a-okay. while checking the ultrasound he says, “i think that’s the face there – can you see it?”

“uh, no”
“hold on” – he switches wands and with a click of a button i can see our baby’s face!! it was amazing… (more…)

do the right thing

Heather | Day by Day by... | Saturday, 12 July 2008

FINALLY – i am rewarded for trying to follow the rules and be an honest, upstanding citizen! most of my adult life has been spent with various friends wondering why i bother to try and follow the rules, etc. when there are lots of ways around them that could save me hassle & money. what on earth could possess me to be honest on various applications just to pay more in the end, etc? sometimes, they were probably right but most of the time i liked to think i was fighting the good fight – if no one took advantage then everyone would end up paying less in the long run, etc. (more…)

come on feel the noise

Heather | Pregnancy | Thursday, 10 July 2008

26 weeks. they say that she can hear me and the person who i’m talking to now. a friend told me how their baby actually jumped in the belly when his wife dropped a pan once so they definitely can hear. i have been to one show since her hearing developed with no problem (other than standing for so long) and there is another one I REALLY want to go to – no, i must go to – soon.

problem – this is the most ridiculously / pointlessly loud venue in the history of venus. doesn’t matter what band – doesn’t matter what genre. if i don’t wear earplugs it sounds like a vacuum is on in my ears by the end of the night.

here’s the scoop – (more…)